I am Miti: from Finland, but moved to the USA to pursue a PhD in History. I specialize in Medieval European social and religious history. I may be a highly trained historian, but I am an intrinsically talented craftswoman. This blog is an effort to share the joy: after all most of my family and friends will never see my crafts in person as we are scattered over several continents. While I have my creative moments, my true
talent is following patterns and having the patience of a glacier.
The exception, I suppose is cake decorating. I love to bake, and this was the next logical step, really. I tend to do my pattern following in the baking and icing itself, but then bring in creative inspirations, mad inspiration, or spur-of-the-moment-sounded-good-at-the-time approach... I have taken cake decorating classes at Jo-Ann fabric and craft stores, and the goal is to have as many cake decorating diplomas as higher education diplomas. I do not come from a culture where diplomas and degrees are put on display on office walls, but if I should do that, I need as many Jo-Ann cake decorating diploma's as academic ones. After all, the cake diplomas are in pastel colors!
My companions in life are my Fuzzband, who is also crafty in his
wood/electronics/fly fishing/etc ways; my PhD dissertation; my extended
family on multiple continents; my friends, also spread out across the
globe; books, both professional and for fun. My family is insanely
talented: music, textile crafts, woodworking,
painting... I grew up thinking that everyone creates with their hands
and enjoys it immensely. They are also very, very creative. Many of my
friends are also crafty - what would Freud say?
The posts here are mainly in English, but sometimes you will see both Swedish (the language of the ethnic minority I belong to) and Finnish, in comments if not elsewhere.
The photo on this page is my national costume, Pirkanmaa/Birkaland. It is handmade, every single stitch, by yours truly.
On Ravelry I am maweisse.
Hey! Look at me! I spelled "stitch" correctly on the first try! Wohoo!!!